
The path of light

magical world
self discover

When you are afraid and you become a coward who fears everything/ when you become a person who is insulted by everyone, you must find the way to end your fears to end everything you hate to become from a person who is insulted to someone who is respected by everyone. Let's start the journey to the path of light

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Part 1
Daniel was returning from his university , as usual, sad, with signs on his face indicating the beating and violence  he is subjected to from his classmates,  to hear his father's voice saying to him  David, Daniel's father, sarcastically / what's you coward, every day you come back with signs of insult on your face ? Daniel is upset/ what do i do if this is how bad my luck is?  David/ do anything or learn any martial arts to defend yourself instead of coming back every day injured like this his mother came and interrupted his father  Hanna/  what do you want from the boy David leave him lt's all because of you in the first place  David/ why is it because of me that I even tell him to learn how to defend yourself and not to let someone hit you like that  His mother would have answered had it not been for me, Daniel interrupted her,  saying:  Daniel cold and calm /i'm going to my room and you end this fight that has no reason  David sarcastically/ yes,  go to your room, close the door, and sit alone, as you do every day, until you die and rot in it  Hanna screamed/ his saftey from death then i spoke with Daniel,  who has no expressions on his face,  come on son go to your room and study well  Daniel leaves them and enters his room and closes the door  Angrily for hanna to look at David  Hanna is conquering / do you like this, you completely destroyed him with your rude words  David sarcastically/ Oh my God, how tender you are, you are the one who destroyed him with this for him Hanna/  this is my son what do you want me to do if i kill him, for example?  David /come on ,  go in front of me  I'm tired of you and him , so hanna goes in front of him and he continues watching TV As for Daniel,  when the door of his room closed he threw himself on his bed to breathe deeply,  to let a tree fall from his eyes,  expressing the extent of his psychological and physical pain,  to remember his grandfather and remember how much his grandfather supported him in his life,  especially in these situations,  on matter what happened to him in his life and that one day it would be better for Daniel to go to his closet and take out a box that his grandfather gave him before his death and told him that when he is ready to confront and change,  he will open it and that if he opens it he must complete and that there is no retreat after opening this mysterious box to take a deep breath and open it and if he finds when he opened the box to put it on and he was afraid to return his sight again to the box to see a book called (The path of light) it is clear that it is very old and that  the one who wrote it is his grandfather and found a little and the ring belonging to his grandfather to open the letter and start reading it  ( I wanted to give this box to your father so that he could complete my career,  and what I did but he refused and pretended that I was crazy,  I am a crazy person,  but it is too late because you opened it and you have to continue to the end of the path of light,  and you will not be able to return before you complete the road.  Read the book and do not tell anyone about what you read in it so that no one will be harmed. Wear the watch and never let it come out of your hand.  Wear the ring also and wait.  The time of your trip to the Light Road ) Daniel sighed and felt some remorse because he opened the box because he was afraid of what was coming and that his grandfather would not lie and that this must be true,  but he was feeling afraid to speak to himself saying/ not now is not the time for fear I will finish what my grandfather started and fear will not have a place in my life anymore so he put on the ring and took the book and took it to his bed and opened it to find that the first paper had a motivation that made him realize and make sure that this book is the first way to change from a cowardly person to a person respected by everyone the content of the page was as follows (If you want to complete the road,  you must first kill your fear,  cultivate courage,  strength and confidence in you,  be a positive person no matter what happened to you, feel yourself strong and courageous, and that you are able to face and challenge no matter how thorny the path is, and trust yourself and that there is nothing it is impossible to achieve it, to get used to getting up after a  fall and to help others, no matter the circumstances you are going through)

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